Twiddler 3 Firmware

Click here for detailed upgrade instructions.

Firmware Version Config Version Release Date Notes
0.07uv42015-03-15- Config Version 4
- First Production Release
0.09uv42015-05-22- Added ability to disable Bluetooth Radio
- Configurable Sleep Time Out
- Mouse speed configuration
- Sticky Keys
- Clear modifier keys before link reset
0.12uv52016-09-28 - add ability to send modifiers (e.g. GUI key) without a keycode
- mouse buttons can be mapped to send key stroke(s) (e.g. GUI key)
- improved chord look-up performance
- add untethered recording and playback
0.13uv52016-12-14 - Fixed bug for chords >60 characters long when in Bluetooth mode
0.14uv52017-03-16 - Fixed bug for arithmetic overflow on number of multi-character strings >=64
- Only update if you need 64 or more chords that type multiple characters per chord
0.15uv52017-05-10 - Added support for Direct Key Mode
0.17uv52018-02-27 - Added support for Haptic Feedback *if installed*
- Minor bug fixes
0.17-1uv52023-02-07- Fixed Factory Default Config issue
- Upgrades 0.17u as well
- Only update if you use the factory default config