Table of Contents

Config Files Listing Page

Once you log in you will be brought to the Config Files Listing Page. There are two listing areas here:

New Config File
My Config Files

New Config Files

This is the section where you can create new config files for your Twiddler. There is a pull down menu with three types of actions you can perform to create a config file:

Once you have selected an action, you will see a new entry appear at the bottom of the My Config Files area. Your new file will be prefixed the action you selected and then a time stamp. Click on the button to Edit your config.

Which Config Version should be selected

Config versions change to accommodate new functionality and features built into the firmware. Please check this table to see which Config Version you should be selecting: Twiddler Firmware Table

My Config Files

When you create or import config files they will be listed in the table.

Each config file should have a descriptive name so that you can know, at a glance, what the configuration file represents.

File Actions

There are 2 icons to the right, and 2 icons to the left of each config row. Clicking on one of them allows you to perform an action on the config file:

Download your config to your computer or Twiddler

Edit your config

Clone your config

Delete your config

Click on the Edit Icon beside the new config file you just created to Edit Your Config.