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Experimental Features

From time to time we will release experimental features for users to test out. These features are not guaranteed to remain active for any amount of time. These are used to test experimental concepts in a real world environment. Visit the Forum to discuss Experimental Features in detail.

Enabling/Disabling Experimental Features

To enable and disable Experimental Features:

  • Create or edit your config file.
  • Toggle the Experimental Features slider. (Shown below)

Multiple Buttons per Row

This experimental feature allows for more than one button per row to be pressed at the same time. Note: there are “shadows” due to the electrical layout of the Twiddler buttons - not all key combinations will provide expected results.

In Twiddler Tuner:

  • Make sure the Experimental Feature: Multiple Buttons Per Row is turned on.

  • Follow the same steps to create a regular chord except now you can click and save more than one key per row.
  • Select the keystrokes and click Apply.

  • Save your changes
  • Copy the config to your Twiddler
Last modified: 2020/05/12 15:01

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